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Mango Beer Slushie

In Recipes

  My husband and I moved to Las Vegas almost 4 years ago from Colorado where we were both raised. We love living in Las Vegas but one thing Colorado has that Vegas does not is BREWERIES! Ok, ok, Las Vegas does have a few but nothing like Colorado! plus, breweries in Colorado are super […]

Mommy Daughter Movie Date Night

In Lifestyle

Family movie night is kind of a big deal around here! Its something we look forward to every few weeks for some family, bonding time!  We put our two couches together to make a big bed, gather all the blankets off our bed, pop popcorn and of course, get our favorite candy! A couple months […]

A Cheatsheet to Creating the Perfect Chalkboard!


   There’s something about a chalkboard that just gives me all the feels. They’re perfect for parties and pictures. I’m dreaming of using our chalkboard for a lemonade stand menu soon! Chalkola seriously has the best chalkboard markers that make it SO fun to do all the chalk art! Especially with homeschool on the table […]

DIY Personalized Tote Bag


     This weekend my best mom friend invited the girls and I to go up to their cabin in Utah with her and her boys for the weekend to escape the heat! She put me in charge of putting together some activities to do with the kids, she knows me so well! I was […]

Pizza on the grill

In Lifestyle, Recipes

    Pizza, like most Americans I assume, is 100% in my top 5 favorite foods! This pizza on the grill recipe is always on the menu for the week and somehow it never gets old! The heat of a hot grill is perfect, and makes it possible to make incredible pizza at home.  Now, I […]

Puffy Chalk Paint


 If you are looking for a fun activity to do with your kids without having to go to the store to buy supplies this puffy chalk paint is so much fun! This unique take on traditional sidewalk chalk will keep your kids busy for hours and of course (like all of my DIY’s) is made […]

What’s in the box game


  I rarely watch Jimmy Fallon’s the tonight show, but I did watch a episode with Kim Kardashian where she had to put her hands in a box without seeing what was in it and had to guess what it was…..THE HORROR! It was however, very entertaining. Then later on I saw someone do something […]

Father’s Day Gift Guide 2020

In Lifestyle

  Men are the hardest to shop for am I right?! Woman are easy (generally speaking of course) If I need a gift for a Woman but don’t know what to get them I know I can get a candle or cute pair of earrings and know they will love it! Men on the other […]

Welcome to my blog!

In Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Hey there friend, Welcome to my Blog! This blog is something I have been wanting to do for years but I kept getting in the way of myself and making excuses not to do it. “What will people think of me?” “Who even am I to think I should be blogging?” ” No one cares […]